Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I know all the joys having a house of boys has in store for me. Having watched many episodes of Malcolm in the Middle, and watching my grown husband interact with his grown brother I have an idea.
And my own two children are starting to clue me in as well. They say kids are like sponges, absorbing everything around them.
This is true, they absorb the energy out of me faster than Brawny on spilled OJ. But that's not what I'm getting at, so back to my point.
They are so quick to learn something new, and just as quick to pass it on.
Take the karate chop/high kick.
My friends tweenie cousins played a fun game of karate-chop/high kick with my friends daughter. Who in turn played the fun game of karate-chop/high kick with my son. This was broken up after a couple of stomach shots. Even though no one was hurt and giggles were a plenty, this was still a game barreling down the fast lane on its way to the city of Ugly. So that was done.
(sound of sponge absorbing)
Fast forward 5 days, and I'm laying on the ground and my 20 month old walks up to me and starts kicking me in the head. Sure it was a wobbly kick with no power behind it, but I know what he was getting at. In his little mind, he just pulled off some great Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon move with perfect precision.
This morning, my oldest was sitting on the sofa with his legs sticking off the end, and my youngest would back up until he touched his feet, then my son would launch him across the room. Inches from smacking his whole body against the baby gate on the opposite wall not unlike like a crash test dummy, he would laugh and laugh and then back up and do it again.
Yes. They were playing "launch the baby".
So I have an idea what I'm in for. And I'm not prepared.
And now if you will excuse me, my son just scotch taped his arms and legs and head and asked me "Is this all I need to roller skate?"
Thank God that boy doesn't own any roller skates...

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