Friday, July 3, 2009 located!!

Toddlers are a curious folk. Their little minds cannot comprehend directions that involve more than one step. They haven’t mastered the art of keeping their lips together and thus walk around with a constant thread of drool connecting their chins to their shirts. Heck they cant even control their bowels very well. You can entertain them by covering their own eyes over and over again.

However…..leave a wallet, cell phone or iced coffee on a counter anywhere in the house, and they will take a mental picture of it and go about their business. Then three hours later when you are called away to clean up a mess in another room, they will pull that picture up and with GPS accuracy they will seek it out.

My son will be sitting on the floor, watching his hand open and close with the same intense concentration as a bomb tech trying to decide to cut the blue or red wire. If I leave the room for a split second, I will return to find him either perched precariously on the back of the sofa manhandling the glass candle holder on the wall, or sitting on the top of the computer desk pumping lotion all over the table. He is just that quick and determined to find trouble.

Im not 100% positive, but I suspect my 4 year old is in on it too. I think Im being punked.

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