Thursday, April 23, 2009

....please stand by....

I remember years ago, my best friend and I went to an amusement park. It must have been an off day, since at some point it seemed that all the rides were shut down temporarily. We would get to the front turnstalls and we would hear the announcement over the loud speaker, "We are experiencing technical difficulties." We heard that damn saying so much that day.
Technical difficulties, technical difficulties, technical difficulties....we started to make fun of them.
Technical difficulites? Testicle diffniculties? Teffinal dickniculties?
We still managed to have alot of fun that day. Mostly doing stupid stuff like making fun of the testical diffniculties. I still laugh about that. Maybe you had to be there. (giggle)

My point? Sometimes my everyday adventures with my offspring just scream to be turned into some sort of funny tale. Its like their antics are almost scripted and its too easy to write down. Other days, my mind is fried and its all I can do to form sentences that make sense.

Today, in a matter of minutes I went from having two fully dressed kids, to one missing his shirt because he spit out his chocolate milk, and the other stripped to his skivvies after he dumped over his cup of chocolate milk. After cleaning up that mess I met my youngest in the living room just as he jammed a train track part a little too far into his mouth and threw up on himself.

Im sure theres humor to be found in this, but the 'ol gray matter isnt up to the challenge at the moment. In fact all the 'ol gray matter wants to do at this point is crawl up on the roof, drink beer and maybe throw rocks at squirrels.
So please stand by as I am having some serious testicle diffniculties.

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