Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Doctor is In, and I am Out (of my mind)

My 10 month old has a doctors appointment today. My husband has always accompanied us on these excursions. He provides the wonderful gift of distraction so my three year old doesn't see the baby get shots. And since the three year old has a profound dislike of doctors or any adults he does not know who dare get within a foot of him, this is especially helpful.
Well he cannot make it this time.
Its just me. I have to take the chattering-doctor-hater and the newfound-fear-of-strangers into an office full of doctors and strangers. And whats worse, my three year old will get to witness the stranger doctor people poking at the baby and making him cry. Then in three months, I will have to take this three year old who witnessed todays horrors and expect him to sit still while said stranger doctor attempts to get dangerously close AND poke him too!
This is gonna be fun!

I have to go now, my three year old has taken the baby hostage and is torturing him with his own bottle by squeezing the liner inside and squirting him with juice.

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