Friday, March 20, 2009

Against logic there is no armor like ignorance. ~ Laurence J. Peter

My son, my dear child,
I understand the infinite temptations that call to you when you are left unsupervised in a bathroom. Mom has left you in there with the hopes that you would simply brush your teeth like you were asked. Mom also knows that is asking too much of a 4 year old. And while Mom was thinking the worst you would do would be unravel the toilet paper, or open up Daddy's shaving cream bottles, or pump the liquid soap into the sink until it was all gone, you had other plans in mind.
But WHY, dear God WHY, if you are fully aware of what purpose that white porcelain bowl in there serves, having just parked your own little naked butt on it not an hour prior, would you think it would be a good idea to dunk your sippy cup in there? What part of that seemed like a good idea?
I'm listening.....

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