Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Big Bang & Bagels

Today power outages popped into my head. Cant really say why, maybe because its been raining here lately. Thats kinda reaching. But since I cant explain about 90% of what pops into my head, thats the best I can come up with. That last marble I have has a lot of time on its hands.

Anyways, that got me thinking about the last time our power went out. I remember it vividly because I was certain it was the day the earth stood still and we were all gonna die.
It was in September. At night. I remember it was the night before Switzerland was going to turn on their big atom smashing, black hole creating, human race destroying thingamajig. I read the articles about it, and though I wont lie and say I understood it completely I felt they knew what they were doing and that the chances of black holes, and the dying off of the human race was fairly small. Fairly small. But still there? Maybe?
My 4 year old was sleeping soundly in his room, and the baby was conked out in my bed, and I was laying next to him playing my Nintendo DS. All the sudden everything went black.
(well everything except my video game. Duh.)
I used the light of my game to find my way into the study where my husband suddenly found himself no longer looking at his computer. The dark kinda freaks me out, so I immediately wanted to get a night light into my sons room so he wouldn't wake up and panic. Very, veeery quietly, I maneuvered through his overflowing toy box and dug out his Thomas the Train lantern. And it was dead. Damn.
After finding batteries, I got the light set up in his room, and then my husband got two of those air freshener/fake candle things, and he set those up in the study. I took my mothers old "Little House on the Prairie" style hurricane lamp and lit that and put it in the bedroom with me and the baby.
This is where my pea brain starts misfiring.
It occurred to me what day it was. I have no clue what time it is in Switzerland, but what if its the exact time that they fired up that scary gizmo? No, thats absurd. Is it? Yes. But what if?
I pondered the thought for a moment and wondered if my husband and I were prepared to fight off looters and stab strangers to get the last stale bagel left over after the local grocery store burned down when the riots started.
I will even admit that I sent a text message to my mom asking if her power was out. She lives 10 hours away, so if her power is out, then surely we have just been catapulted into a black hole and I need to sharpen my steak knives and hide the family jewels.
As I waited for her reply, I cursed the damn scientists who couldnt just leave well enough alone. What can really be gained by proving the big bang theory? Ok, maybe theres much to be gained but whatever. Still. Stupid nosy scientists poking around where they shouldnt. Now look what you've done. We're all gonna die now. Thanks.
On top of all of that, I start to smell the oil burning in the hurricane lantern and wonder how long until the fumes build up and snuff us all out. If the apocalypse doesn't do us in, then carbon monoxide will! We're DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
Truth be told, I dont think carbon monoxide comes from lamp oil, but since I am not certain, I blew the damn thing out , and turned on the flashlight.
My mom finally replied and told me her power was on and I am insane.
Yeah maybe. But lets re-read the last sentence in the first paragraph shall we?

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